Friday, September 27, 2013

Happiness vs Pleasure

What is difference between Happiness vs Pleasure. 

From my point of view, it is very hard to know what is Happiness and what is Pleasure by a common man like me. I will take example of buying Luxury car and ask myself and you how can you differentiate before you have to make choice.

For me I became happy when I bought my new luxury car. When I read some books on happiness they consider it as Pleasure not Happiness. It may be possible that after few years this Happiness of Having a Luxury car will be less as I have some other bigger things like new home etc. come into my life. Then moving back I will see and may say that my new Luxury car was indeed Pleasure for me and not happiness.

So, question is how to differentiate between happiness and Pleasure. Before buying car I was so happy and excited that I felt I should have this car. I heard from many people at that time that don't go for luxury and expensive car. It is waste of money. Its value degrade etc.. etc.. But I knew I was happy with its feature,brand. Of course my social standing in society was also one factor for deciding to buy.
To me it was happy moment but still everywhere people say it is pleasure.

There may be many examples like this where you dont differentiate between happiness and pleasure and then take decision. but after few days when you look back you have feeling  oh was that pleasure only or happiness. Then after few days or years you dont even think about it any more.

Please give your thoughts what do you think about it.

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